Friday, August 14, 2009

OOP tips

1) Pengenalan kepada oop (encapsulation...inheritance..theory behind object oriented)
2) constructor, pass by value frm method to method..frm class to class

structure: i) class...isi tempat kosong in d code..
how to compile java program [batch file]..cara mcm mana compile
source code java..hafal d cara (setpath....inside d lab book)
ii) this
iii) muz knw main inside the class...n main outside the class
iv) 3 method [muz knw which statement use which method]
v) error tracing
vi) enum


soalan1 draw class diagram...and write the class code..beli barang (print receipt)
soalan2 enum
soalan3 array..[concept same..a bit different syntax]
baca 10 array, print 10 array, susun 10 array, nilai paling besar dan kecil

Credits to SCV~!

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