Monday, September 14, 2009

CCNA Skill-Based test 2

CCNA skill-based test 2
Requirement: Attendance
Chapter: 8
Date: Tomorrow(15/9/2009)
Location: CCNA Lab or Digital Logic Lab

Description: 2 meter of cable and 4 "caps" are given.
Objective: Make one Cross and one Straight wire

P/S from lecturer: No need study anything

Monday, September 7, 2009


CCNA 1 Skills-Based Final - IPSubnetting(Chapter 6)
Date: This Sunday(13th Sept 09)
Time: 10am - 12pm
Venue: P19 DK6(2SCR only)
Total Mark standed: 10% of total final mark

Attendance is COMPULSORY!!!
P/S: Go Firoz website download past year questions and refer.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Rough Network Communication Tip

port number - anything related with it
addressing - port number - layer 3
        ip address - ....
        mac addre - .....

encapculation - it work.... why it's name like that?...etc...
windowing system....sent...wait acknoledgement....etc..
tcp/ip layer....application ---till network access....memorize how to state osi layer, tcp/ip layer, function, everything, eg describe, what is invloved?

application that recite in application layer in tcp/ip, the port number and type of protocol
a diagram --- how the process been notes...slide...process of a tcp/dns/smtp work....the process and detail explanation

machanism of email...application layer protocol
hirectical addressing ....domain.....
initial process, data transmission, details
window size
protocol snf transport layer
frame ...have to know each of the field
routing to build tools

Friday, August 14, 2009

OOP tips

1) Pengenalan kepada oop (encapsulation...inheritance..theory behind object oriented)
2) constructor, pass by value frm method to method..frm class to class

structure: i) class...isi tempat kosong in d code..
how to compile java program [batch file]..cara mcm mana compile
source code java..hafal d cara (setpath....inside d lab book)
ii) this
iii) muz knw main inside the class...n main outside the class
iv) 3 method [muz knw which statement use which method]
v) error tracing
vi) enum


soalan1 draw class diagram...and write the class code..beli barang (print receipt)
soalan2 enum
soalan3 array..[concept same..a bit different syntax]
baca 10 array, print 10 array, susun 10 array, nilai paling besar dan kecil

Credits to SCV~!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

OOP tips~

Test 1 - OOP
Date : 15th August 2009 (Saturday)
Time: 9.00am-11.00am
Venue: Section 09 is at DK8, N24

All topics up to Array (part 1) will be covered (subsequent topics starting from Array of Objects are not included). Some topics that will be included are:

* JAVA code standard naming convention
* this keyword/pointer
* constructors
* overloading methods
* static variables/methods
* enumeration
* array (memory layout)
* enhanced for loop
* garbage collection

These are only parts of it, so please read ALL of the topics covered.

For Programming Questions (write a complete program), choose 2 from 3 questions given. (some main topics include enum, array)

Thursday, April 30, 2009

SCR BlogTraffic Analysis

After two weeks of hard work, the final exam for semester 2 has finally come to an end. First of all, we would like to thank people who contribute to this blog and also for those who generously provide tips from their sections.

During this two weeks, the traffic to this blog is quite heavy. I announce that we have reach the number of 600 unique visits per week, an average of 85 visits per day. Admins from this blog are all quite happy about it. This will be one more reason for this blog to continue.

Good luck all and enjoy your holiday. Come back to this blog again next semester.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Database tips from SCV~!!!

full marks = 100% (take 35%)

3 Sections:

=Section A - 10 Questions (vey simple - straight forward - choose answer)

=Section B - 4 Questions (answer all)
in every question, got at least 3 sub questions
1. ERD (should knw how to draw the cases)
2. Logical data design (global)
3. Know about the relation schema
4. Wil giv table / scenario - normalize..dependency (functional)
5. SQL Codes (insert..delete...)

=Section C - 2 Questions
1. Case
ERD = must knw hw to describe and design (understand the case study)
Relational Schema
Data Model

1) summary of 1 and 2 asgm (combine)

Database Tips(Repost)

Database tips(old tips) repost

Structured Question:

ERD - enhancement(ERM)

Logic Database Design (conversion from conceptual to logical)
- Conversion from conceptual to logical
- Write relation scheme

1NF, 2NF, 3NF

SQL Statement
(no data definition language, but data manipulation language)
-"join" is included.
-Refer SQL slide.

Case Study(total = 25%)
- (ER diagram - draw)(13%)
- write relational scheme(12%)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Very detailed tips... From SCV... GeNG!!!

3 section (A,B,C)

A = objektif (15 q)(15 %)
B = 60 %,6q
C = long q (25 %)

3 main topic: Struct, file processing, OOP

1)Struct: How to access data struct...array of struct..

2)File processing: error tracing from the given program

Random access based on the 'sizeof'...
how to write and read data through random access
Write: move to the current cursor
Read: Pass to extra one

error tracing....convert modular program to OOP
Give you an example...n create a constructor...initialize ur constructor to zero
HoW to declare n initialize a class array..
Overload operator..hw to overload the cout
Aggregration (use the name of class variable)..
inheritance(use the name of the class)..
hw to pass data..their difference of concept

4) LOng question: give u subject class: count cgpa..juz create class, constructor, function
Must knw how to create array to send class data (use pointer)
juz like asgm 2

IMPORTANT !!: postfix, prefix

Some Question(with answer) from SCV

If you need example, please access to our old post "PTII works".
P/S: Not all the answers are correct, take this chance to learn and then correct it.

PTII tips (must study)

Part A - 15 Questions = 15 marks

Part B - 60marks

Q1 10marks - structured Data

Q2 11marks - Advanced file

Q3 7 marks - Intro class - find errors & simple class & member function definition

Q4 10marks - Intro class - Constructor & destructor

Q5 10marks - Object manipulation

Q6 12 marks inheritance, aggregation & composition

Part C - 25 marks

Class - array of object & pointer to object & function parameter with object.


Additional Tip:
This test would be tough~ ^^
Please enjoy~

Monday, April 27, 2009

HCI reference

go check this out.
for further detail that u cant easily understand froom slide.

Latest HCI tips

5 questions all

about design on user interface
how to design kiosk, mobile, web, normal system
limitations - mobile - screen size, system file size, database
new tech in HCI in developement

game interface
virtual reality
3D interface

user centered design - in notes
what's user task
why user to be followed?
usability HCI guideline
usage of button,control,scroll, tab, menu, icon
principle of designing good interface

user interface programming
how to -> high fidelity
programming - what's the name/type? general term of windows programming?
VB is a type of what programming? structured programming?

how to evaluate
understand fidd's law
how fidd's law fit is applied in user interface?

Sunday, April 26, 2009


a. objective – 10question – 10 marks
b. structure 1-8 question -65marks
c. long question – 1 question – 25marks

class - intro to class, friends, operator overloading **passing parameters
file – random, binary
aggregation n inheritance

credits to: scv, scj

Monday, April 20, 2009

Quick SE revision

(slide link corrected)

From XXX

PDF files

DOC files


those files have past year set(or maybe sets) with answer(some without answer).
Can see(refer) how shall we asked in final exam "style".
SCR S08 comrade don't have most of this files, better download and refer.
Files listed below is what included in the uploaded file here.
Check and see, whether u already own them.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

HCI tips update

HCI tip 2:

HCI tip3:

5 Questions:
1) Design your own user interface
-how the design on mobile phone, kiosk, website, normal system
-how the input and the limitation you should know(eg. size of the skrin in mobile)
-note of Dr.Shahrizal on the last lecture
2) Game interface
-in term of virtual reality
-3D interface
user centred design
-who is the user, task
3) Usability and HCI guideline
-usage of button, slider, scroller, tab
-design for good user interface(principle)
4) Related to user interface programming
-tools for high-fidelity
-what kind of programming, structure nice or not(general term)
5) Evaluation
-how to evaluate
-fit law
-analysis design develope

SE tips

Software Engineering Tips Slide (19-april, 12am Update)

architecture -> testing
B.Structure (each 10 marks)
1. a. architeture chap11
2. a. oo design chap14
3. a. validation and varification
4. a. testing

C.Essay (3 question choose 2 -->40 marks)
1.a.i subsystem - daw archi model of organ struc
b.i reason support ur choice
2.a.i draw sequence diagram -->oo design
ii identify class to refine seq diag
b.i draw class diag to identify class : relationship attributes
3. write test cases for testing functionality & operation
boundary value and system technique ,equivalent...
Discussion automated statis analysis

from section 4

HCI tips

*************HCI tips*******************************
5 question 30%on course 2and half hours
each question
we must know our user

standalone web/mobile application - 1 pc no shared
-study requirment
-study application (advantage each / disadvantage)
-output and input of the device
-problem - develop application and system

interactive design
-user centraed design
--other method
--user needs

-index of difficulty /movement time

Interface programming
-VB (how many step create some coding)
-controller (audio any controller)
-implementation (how)
-event driven programming


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Slip Peperiksaan

Have you got yourself your slip peperiksaan from office?
Don't forget it, or you'll be wiped off from final....

Friday, April 10, 2009

OSK Final Exam Study Guide...

progamming part:
- compare
- set flag
- correspoding jump
- use procedure(call/return)

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Database Tips

Structured Question:

ERD - enhancement(ERM)

Logic Database Design (conversion from conceptual to logical)
- Conversion from conceptual to logical
- Write relation scheme

1NF, 2NF, 3NF

SQL Statement
(no data definition, but data manipulation)
-"join" is included.
-Refer SQL slide from slide 3 to 5.

Case Study(total = 25%)
- (ER diagram - draw)(13%)
- write relational scheme(12%)

Normalization Exercise (Answer)

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Software Engineering Tips

Architecture (style/design) (chapter11)
OO design (Chapter 14)
Validation and Verification (Chapter 22 ,23)
Software Testing
strategy: Basis Path
strategy: Equivalence Partitioning, Boundary Value Analysis(BVA)
Sequence Diagram
Test case - testing & VV

Friday, April 3, 2009

PT II works

Please download the completed work from here...
Every assigned work would be uploaded and updated from time to time.
So come visit this blog for latest update.
Hope everyone is giving cooperation to ease down our burden doing assignment, and submit your work to:
as soon as possible.

Chapter 9,10,11 Ex1,1: 1,1
Chapter 9 Ex1 : 2,3,4
Chapter 9 Ex2 : 1,2,3
Chapter 9 Ex2 : 4,5
Chapter 9 Ex2 : 6
Chapter 9 Ex3 : 1
Chapter 9 Ex3 : 2,3
Chapter10 Ex1 : 2,3
Chapter10 Ex2 : 1,2,3,4
Chapter10 Ex3 : 1,2 <--
Chapter11 Ex2 : 1,2

Chapter11 Ex2;3 : 5;3
Chapter11 Ex2 : 3
Chapter11 Ex2;3 : 6;2
Chapter11 Ex3 : 1
Chapter11 Ex3 : 4
Chapter11 Ex3 : 5
Chapter11 Ex3 : 7
Chapter11 Ex3 : 8
Chapter11 Ex3 : 9

New Updates:
1. Chapter 10 Ex3 question2, 3 changed to 1, 2 (mistake)
2. New NameList, download HERE.
(Those who submitted work would be indicated by redly coloured name).

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

SE ebook available at elearning!!

As I met lecturer this evening, she mentioned that she have uploaded some ebook about SE at elearning, there will be expiry date for the availability of the ebook, because of the ebook is(are) quite big in size.
Go download it be4 "time's up".

PT II work assign

Since we have total 41 questions from Chapter 9 question 1 until Chapter 11 last question.
To ease our sufferance of all those projects and assignments, we work all in one to finish this assignment altogether for everyone's good.
If you have problem, feel free to post your comment here.

and our compiling date would be on this friday(3rd of April).
Assignment due date: 10th of April.
(Early compilation date is to spare longer time for modification of code/answer to prevent same answer.)

Do the code in softcopy 1st, so everyone can have it refered in pc.
Done the two questions by friday~
All the best to y'all...
Send your finished work to this address:

Thank you very much for all ur cooperation

Name list would uploaded soon, lousy internet connection delayed upload time.

Download the NameList here.

- compiling date : this friday(3rd of April)
- Assignment due date: 10th of April.
- Answer questions in softcopy
- Send work by friday:
- Post comment here if there is any enquiry or needed help

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Database & Programming Tips

-ANSI-SAAPL architecture

-file base system and db system
-data model

b.conceptureall db design
-factor in db design

-step in conceptual design


d. relation(model)
-properties of relation

-relational db integraty
-relational scheme
-primary key/foreign key

e.SQL/DDL-create table
-insert data
-simple part using select-from-where
-delete and update record

i. linux
draw directory tree, regular file names, name of directory, how many directory files, commands.
ii. C++
strcpy, strcat, given command identify output, fill in the blanks (code), modify program, given errors/explain errors/correct the errors, draw memory layout, initialize value/explain, given input write output, convert normal program into program using pointers.

long question:
string and pointers (no linux), input name and display name backwards.
*please finish the long question assignment mr.V gave. It would somehow help u in answering the long question because he just change something in the question.

Give the test your best shot!